Youth Ministry


Youth are the Heart and the Future of the church.


Students in 6th – 12th grades looking for a fun inviting place to learn about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have found the right place! Youth ministry at Weatherford FUMC connects teens to create authentic relationships with each other while strengthening their faith in God.  We do this by joining together in Christian discipleship through Sunday school and Wednesday night lessons.

All students meet together in the youth lounge for Sunday school and Wednesday night lessons. Sunday school is from 9:30-10:20am every Sunday morning and Wednesday night lessons occur during the school months (Mid-August to May) and begin at 6:00pm and conclude by 7:30pm. Sunday school is led by Kelley Ramey and Wednesday night lessons are led by Keagan Smith, Diana Walker, and Kelley Ramey.

Youth Ministry Team

Kelley Ramey – Director of Christian Involvement and Youth Ministry

Diana Walker – Youth Coordinator

Keagan Smith – Youth Leader

Sarah Short – Young Adult Representative

Hannah Strickler – Youth Intern

For more information about the youth ministry, contact Kelley Ramey, Youth Director, at or 580-772-5565.