There are two times for worship services on Sunday morning. One at 8:30am and the other at 10:30am. Sunday school classes for all ages meet in between the two services at 9:30am.
The 8:30am Sunday morning service is an in-person worship service in the Chapel.
There are three options that you can choose from for the 10:30am Sunday morning service. You can come to the in-person worship service in the Sanctuary. You can watch on Facebook Live. Or you can listen on the radio at KWEY FM 100.3 or KWEY AM 1590.
To watch the FACEBOOK LIVE stream during the 10:30am Sunday service,
click the link to our Facebook Page.
No matter what time or how you are worshipping, we want to connect.
Please register your attendance!

Need a copy of the worship guide [Click here],
or the scripture for today [Click here]?
We have you covered.
If you have a prayer request, please fill out
the prayer request form by clicking the picture below.

You can place your offerings in the offering plate below.

We hope you enjoy your worship experience!
************** To view prior Sunday services [Click here] ***************