Care Ministries

Our goal is to be disciples of Christ by providing love, support, and care to members of the First United Methodist Church.

The areas of need that our committee provides for is:

  • Meals: Food provided on an “as needed” basis for members following surgery, illness, or death.
  • Paper Goods: Paper goods provided to the family upon the death of a church member.
  • Transportation: Rides are provided for those needing transportation to and from various appointments (i.e. doctor or medical treatment.)
  • GEMS (Giving Elderly Methodists Support): “Gemologists” “adopt” homebound, nursing home and assisted-living members and provide support to that person.
  • Cards: Sending cards from FUMC Care Ministries to church members having surgery, illness, or death in family.
  • Respite Care: Provide respite care to caregivers for 1-2 hours allowing them to shop, run errands or have some time to themselves.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Sign-up to help with FOOD and/or TRANSPORTATION.
  2. Check the GEMS list and see if there’s a GEM for You.
  3. If you hear of a need, please call the church office (580-772-5565) and they will notify the care ministry team.