Summer Camps

Summer 2024


Ages:  1st – 2nd Grade

Dates:      June 15-16, 2024;      July 13-14, 2024

Sonshine is an introductory camp for our youngest campers.  This is also a place for parents (known as shepherds) to experience camp with their children in this one-night camping adventure.  Campers will return with stories of hiking, swimming, and new outdoor adventures through age-level designed activities and creative worship.  Join us as we grow our faith and have some fun!

NOTE: Each church is required to send 1 shepherd for every 1-5 campers; shepherds must be of the same gender.  For example, if a church plans to send 2 male and 3 female campers they would need to send at least 1 male and 1 female shepherd.

Camper Price: $110

Adult (Shepherd) Price: $77

Growin’ in Grace

Ages:  2nd – 5th grade

Growin’ in Grace is a 3-day & 2-night camp focusing on age-appropriate activities in God’s creation.  In addition to hiking, swimming, recreation, and crafts, campers participate in interactive small-group learning and creative worship.  Campers can build relationships with others from across the state.

Please Note:  Leaders will be responsible for leading a small group or activity area, as well as for their cabins.

Camper Price: $241

Adult Leader Price: $122


Ages:     6th – Grad year

Date:      June 3-7, 2024

CLUE, at Canyon Camp, is a five-day opportunity for students to encounter and be encountered by God’s grace.  Our mission is to be a vision of God’s kingdom here on earth, by bringing campers from all walks of life together for a meaningful week of spiritual awakening and growth.  As an ecumenical camp hosted by OK Camps, CLUE is a chance for churches of any denomination to send their youth and leaders to a summer camp focused on God.

While at camp, campers engage in small groups, worship, prayer, Bible studies, workshops, fellowship, and fun in an ecumenical setting that is open to all churches.  Campers will experience what it means to live in and be part of the wider Christian community.  That communal understanding builds the deep sense of “family” that exists amongst CLUE campers of the past, present, and future, and our hope is for that deep connection to spread throughout our camp, our churches, and our world.

“This was by far the best week of my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!” – Camper

Camper Price: $412

Adult Leader Price: $249