The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the third Monday of each month at 7 PM in the NeoNate room.
Members lovingly and prayerfully hand craft shawls, asking the Lord to grant the receiver many blessings, courage, and strength. The wish of Prayer Shawl Ministry participants is that the shawls they create give comfort and peace to those who receive them.
Any church member may freely give a shawl to someone in need by simply signing the registry book in the church office. If you have questions about giving a shawl, ask Diana Walker, Leader of Prayer Shawl Ministry or Kelley Ramey, Director of Christian Involvement.
The Blessing of a Prayer Shawl
“Prayer shawls,
made for centuries to be universal and embracing,
are symbolic of an
inclusive, unconditionally-loving God.
The shawls wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, mother,
hug, shelter, beautify, and give solace.
Those who received these shawls have been
uplifted and affirmed,
as if given wings to fly above their troubles.
– Janet Bristow, 1998