Maxine Page
Maxine has directed the Chancel Choir and the Ju-Bellation Handbell Choir for many years. She has been part of church choirs and instrumental groups in many churches. Maxine started Children’s Choir programs at Trinity United Methodist Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas and the First United Methodist Church in Clinton, Oklahoma. She has always had a desire to be part of sacred music in the church. She views the purpose of music in the church service as a way to contribute to the worship experience through not only listening but through congregational participation.
Maxine has a Bachelor of Music degree from Oklahoma City University in instrumental and vocal music. She has a Master’s of Education in Music from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Maxine acquired an Elementary Education Conversion degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma. She has taught music and children’s choir, kindergarten through the eighth grade, in Oklahoma and Arkansas. She transferred to the second grade classroom in the fall of 1987. Maxine retired from teaching June 1, 2000.